After obtaining a vehicle, one must purchase insurance in order to be allowed to take it on the road. As a Florida resident, do you know what amount and type of coverage is that is best for your family?
Finding information and different quotes can feel overwhelming, especially when you are dealing with corporate behemoth insurance agencies based halfway across the country. Luckily those are not your only choices.
KE Agency is a business that knows local conditions and is familiar with local requirements. A business that has your best interests in mind and that will take the time necessary to determine which policy truly fits you the best. If you feel that a local business will provide you with the personalized service you deserve, look no further than KE Insurance Agency.
We offer our clients coverage on:
Since 1992, KE Insurance Agency, a Florida-based agency, has served the insurance needs of families from across the Sunshine State. Our agency has the means to ensure you are getting the hometown service you would expect from a Florida-based agency.